News | Prague City University

Agora In Motion, 4th edition released

Written by Larissa Petryca | 23 February 2022 10:01:41 Z

AGORA Magazine has gathered momentum with each issue and this fourth instalment packs a punch - doubling in length, refining the quality and bringing in new talent. The theme of MOVEMENT began as a concept to explore a wider range of topics, with initial ideas focusing on performance art and a variety of athletic activities, we then moved towards a more abstract interpretation of the notion.


Team Effort

This is entirely down to the incredible people who agreed to take part in the fourth edition. Every open call results in brilliant collaborations, fresh perspectives and a new direction for the magazine as it evolves. Ruth, a student from Prague City University, said that:

‘It was really nice getting to work on something with folks all around the world. My piece was actually inspired by everyone else - there was a lot more personal and emotion-driven work in this issue, than I expected, and it helped shape my own work in a more creative direction!’
Agora Editorial Team meeting

MOVEMENT could have gone in so many directions, but the integral work took part during the fortnightly online meetings, where discussions were encouraged by the Creative Director Melvin, and the informality of the situation gave confidence to many of the newest members.

Agora meet up in Prague

Nimai Jaswal describes working with AGORA:

‘It made me understand a great deal about working in a group of people with different skills. I always appreciate creative freedom and that's what AGORA gave us - the freedom to approach our designs from different perspectives. Feedback for my work from them was on point and everyone behaved professionally during meetings plus it was a good friendly environment. Everything was well balanced and scheduled, and in the end the goal for me was to get experience and the feel for working in a professional environment.’

This highlights the entire purpose of AGORA - to give burgeoning professionals the chance to excel, succeed and produce high quality content, in order for them to flourish in the future. We are excited to share our 4th issue with you!