News | Prague City University

Congratulations to our 2016 Graduates

Written by Alex Went | 07 November 2016 15:58:11 Z

On 12 November, the two hundred Prague College students who have successfully completed their courses will attend the annual graduation. By tradition, the event takes place in the sumptuous surroundings of the National House (Narodni dum) in the centre of Prague's smart Vinohrady district.

As usual, we are inviting all friends and family of all graduating students to join us for the ceremony, which begins at noon in the opulent main hall named after the famous Russian poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Along with the rest of the Prague College community, we will be joined by Professor Mark Simpson as the representative of our academic partner Teesside University. Professor Simpson (himself a graduate of Teesside) went on to write his PhD there on the topic of drug abuse, policy and education. He is now Pro-Vice Chancellor with a specail emphasis on Learning and Teaching. His presence on this auspicious occasion is a great honour.

This year is a bumper year for the school of Art & Design, which sees forty students graduating at Bachelor level. A further sixty students from the School of Business will receive their British degrees, 18 of them at Master's level; and a further six students from the School of Computing also take their well-deserved Bachelor's degrees.

We wish all the very best to this year's graduates as they set out on the next stage of their careers.

Update: take a look at photos from Graduation Ceremony 2016: