News | Prague City University

Differing Accents

Written by admin | 14 February 2013 16:32:35 Z
A four-day Typography and Lettering Conference will bring together renowned speakers from Europe, the UK and the Czech Republic.


The focus will be on traditional typographic and lettering practice from the past, the present, and looking to the future, as well as the underlying aspects of type as a craft. Topics will include a talk on Oldřich Menhart, Ladislav Sutnar’s theory of information flow, the legibility, proportions and semiotics of Italian medieval manuscripts, national type identity and wayfinding systems, European diacritics, and the influence of Letraset. There will also be talks and demonstrations from various practitioners, including stone letter carving, calligraphy, typeface design and early graffiti from the 80’s.

The conference will take place inside Prague College and is open to delegates from the UK and Czech Republic, students and members of the public. The conference will require registration but will be free of charge.

Unless specified differently, all events will take place at Blanicka entrance, room 001/002.