News | Prague City University

The feeling of accomplishment I get is the biggest reward

Written by Alex Went | 08 September 2014 11:44:26 Z
Computing & IT student Nikoletta Minarova was brought up in Queensland, Australia. What made her choose Prague College?


Thanks for agreeing to this interview, Nikoletta. Can you start by telling us a bit about your background?

Well, I was born in Czechoslovakia but my mother and I moved to Australia when I was very young. I grew up on the sunny Gold Coast and attended high school at Varsity College. I started at university studying Architecture but then after finding my biological father on Facebook, I decided to fly to Europe and reconnect with my Slovak family. I then lived in Slovakia for about two years with my older half sister Zuzana and my little nephew, Sebastian. In 2012, I made the decision to move to Prague to continue my studies.

Which programme are you studying at Prague College?

I originally came to Prague thinking I would finish off my studies in architecture, however after some consideration I decided that wasn't the direction I wanted to go towards in my life. I've always loved computer sciences and decided to study it at Prague College. I am currently completing my HND in Computing and I plan to continue to my Bachelor's afterwards.

Which aspect of your studies is most rewarding, and why?

The feeling of accomplishment that I get when I complete something - whether it be a project, a program or an essay, it's always very rewarding to see the finished product of something I've worked hard on. Two of my papers have been published in the CRIS Bulletin which was wonderful to see.

We are always interested to know why our students chose Prague College - what was the big draw for you?

Although I speak Slovak and understand Czech, English is my native language. I was pleased to find out about Prague College’s co-operation with Teesside University especially because as an Australian, I am used to using British English. The teachers are very experienced  and have come from all over the place which I believe is a big advantage for my future.

What's the best thing about Prague College?

The best thing is the opportunity to learn and be in an international environment, and being able to meet like-minded individuals from all over the world. I really believe making such ties is very important for the future. Obviously, the teachers are brilliant, and they provide a learning environment which is very practical and unlike standard Czech universities. Having the opportunity to display my work in places such as the CRIS Bulletin is also a very big plus for me.

What do you hope to do with your life in future?

I remember the first time I was asked this question in fifth grade. My teacher asked our class to write sentences on what we want to be in the future. Clearly my answers were much different to what they would be now. Honestly, my answer would be different even a year ago. I don’t know what exactly I want to do, all I know is that I want to be in a position where I can contribute, where my work is valued and other people can benefit from the things I can do.

Nikoletta, thanks again for your time, and good luck with the rest of your studies.