News | Prague City University

Student Exhibits her artwork at DOX Centre of Contemporary Art

Written by admin | 05 September 2012 10:49:43 Z
A student from the BA (Hons) Graphic Design programme, Helena Jakoube, is currently exhibiting her work at DOX as part of an exhibition called "Salon umění – malba." (Salon of Art - painting)

The exhibition originated in an open invitation to both artists and the general public to display their artwork. It takes the form of an installation of many paintings placed in a number of rows, reminding us of the way paintings were hung in traditional Parisian salons. There are about 1000 paintings displayed is the salon, representing a democratic space open to participation and critiques.

Helena is displaying three pieces of art at the exhibition, the paintings "Soumrak v Hullu," "Ledňáček," and "Vychází nebo zapadá?". The exhibition continues until May 25th, and you are invited to come and see the work of Helena and other talented artists.