Looking back at a semester of great speakers
by Alex Went, on 17 December 2015 09:43:27 CET
Studying at Prague College is always a dynamic and engaging experience; as part of that process our students hear regular lectures and workshops from experts and professionals in the various industries related to their academic studies.
School of IT & Computing
In September, Daniel Schwarz, founder of the German videogame company Takomat, spoke about the social and educational impact of games and simulations; and in November, Jan Nekvapil and Radka Lisa, from Keen Software, gave a detailed talk to our IT & Computing classes about their products, including popular titles such as 'Mediaeval Engineers' and 'Space Engineers'. Both talks emphasized the way in which 'serious' software - making use of real maths and physics as well as real emotions - has become a major part of the gaming scene. November's Master Speaker was professor Zdenek Mikovec from the Czech technical university CVUT, who specializes in developing hardware and software to aid users with visual, aural or motor impairment.
School of Art & Design
Throughout the semester our Art and Design students have enjoyed talks from a wide range of significant Czech artists and practitioners as part of the Visting Artist and Lecture series. Up first was film and videographer Martin Blazicek, followed by typographer Tomas Brousil, fashion designers Jan Kloss and Jakub Korous, and photographic artist Stepanka Simlova. In January the current series will reach its climax with a talk from Camille Hunt, the Canadian-born director of Prague's Hunt Kastner art gallery. The series, which takes place at the college's Bishop's Court studio, is a great way for students to hear first-hand about the real world of art and design.
School of Business
Our MSc International Management students had a presentation from Karel Krejci, formerly of supply chain finance platform Prime Revenue, Drawing on fifteen years' experience of supply chain systems, he presented the background to SCF as well as the processes relating to working capital solutions for companies. And for the students' Management and Strategy class, Peter Virsik, Managing Director of Adidas Group (Central and Eastern Europe) travelled in from Bratislava to lead a workshop on strategy and management principles, using real-world data.
We are hugely grateful to all twelve speakers for joining us here at Prague College this term, and for enriching our students' understanding with their knowledge and expertise.