News | Prague City University

Michele Nuovo

Written by Hana Bohackova | 04 December 2013 22:43:17 Z
Prague College student Michele Nuovo graduated with a first class degree in Computing. We went along to ask him about his experience here and the next stages in his career development.

Michele, what was your dissertation about, and why did you choose this particular topic?

My dissertation was about the creation of a Java software tool to Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) database information. I chose this topic based on my own professional work experience and because it gave an opportunity to rise to the challenge of realising a new piece of software from scratch. My personal objectives were managing and planning the software development in Java, as well as installing and configuring all the necessary components. There are many practical applications for my work in the world of business, since usually this kind of process is done manually and the use of the software helps to automate most of the operations involved.

Are you likely to continue to a higher degree or will you be using this as a springboard to the world of work? If so, what do you see yourself doing in let's say five years' time?

Yes, I am planning to continue my studies. One important thing I have recognized since being introduced to the world of work is that having higher education is very important in order to provide a professional service. I am an IT Consultant and all the customers for whom I work are very demanding. To have good background knowledge can really improve your work performance.

What did you gain most from your experience at Prague College, and why would you recommend Prague College as a place to study?

In my time at the college I mostly gained a formal understanding of how to proceed in the resolution of problems. I would recommend Prague College because all the teachers are well prepared to support you in your path of study, the bureaucracy  related to your application is easily managed by the staff, and finally because a UK education is one of the best in the world.