News | Prague City University

'Propaganda posters brought me to Prague'

Written by Alex Went | 09 December 2015 13:58:31 Z
We interview five budding graphic designers from our School of Art and Design

French students Edward Foster, Morgan Richard and Anne-Lise Grolleau are currently enrolled in the final year of Prague College's BA (Hons) Graphic Design programme. Joining them on the sofa are Isabel Schopfer and Verena Brohl, both from Germany.

We meet on a cold winter afternoon on the brightly-lit second floor of the college. What has made them all come to study in Prague, I ask?

'EEGP, our school in Angers, has a partnership with Prague College', says Edward, 23, 'so Prague was an obvious choice. I'm from Paris, but Prague is also a great place to explore my fascination with the history of art. Historical propaganda posters appeal most to me, with their clean lines and flat surfaces. But I'm also drawn to the work of Mucha - it's totally the opposite - expressive, full of feeling and colour.' Edward has developed his own music label, Percy, which blends his own compositions with multimedia animations.

For 25-year-old Verena, the choice to study here was inspired by her favourite Czech author, Milan Kundera. 'Apart from the architecture, it is the city's dark character that I love - that and the concerts, the theatre, the events'. Isabel, a fan of Franz Kafka, agrees: 'It's also a much less costly place to live and study. Prague College gives us the chance to complete our Bachelor degrees in one year - a third of the time it would take in Germany.'

Before Prague College, Isabel - like Verena - studied at Designschule Munich. Back in Germany, her sister, a professional designer, is about to launch a business encouraging kids to design and make their own clothing. Isabel is doing all the branding for the new business as part of her live project. Verena, meanwhile, has taken up the challenge of a competition run by London's Royal Opera House, to design an advertising campaign to try to get young people to go to the opera. Both projects are typical of the interface with the real world which forms the backbone of teaching and learning at Prague College.

For Morgan, aged 21 and also from Angers, the attraction was that Prague provided a sense of adventure. 'It's a new area, a new experience for me. I've lived in big towns before, but Prague is not at all stressful. It has plenty of parks and bars and it's a place where you can really relax.' Morgan's interest is in typography, especially vintage 'old-school' typefaces. Like Morgan, Anne-Lise heard about Prague College from a mutual friend who had studied here already and who graduated this year. What does she most enjoy about ther course at Prague College? 'I'm really keen on illustration and photography. When I graduate, I imagine working in an agency to start with', she says. 'Setting up on your own is quite a challenge, so this will give me the experience I need.'

It's pretty evident that these BA students, with their various passions and interests, are thoroughly enjoying their year in Prague. If you'd like to find out more about the School of Art, click here and follow the links. And if you're interested in applying for this year, it's easy to get in touch via our contact form.