News | Prague City University

Student wins second prize in Visegrad Group competition

Written by Alex Went | 17 April 2015 14:53:28 Z
Each year our graphic design students participate in a range of live projects with real-world clients. Recently, Pham Quynh Anh won second prize in a competition to design a commemorative logo. Read more about her experience here:

The Czech Republic has taken over the presidency of the V4 countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary) for 2015-2016. For this project, students had to analyse the terms of the competition in a team, and then work on their own individual competition entries. Pham Quynh Anh explains how she went about the task:

My role in our team was to analyse and translate the brief from Czech into English. After that we collected influences and looked for inspirations together. I find this is a good way to start a project like this, researching together, that we could discuss in class.

The brief required that the logo should reflect the motto “V4 Trust”, so I looked at what the four countries have in common, like colours of their national flags, and tried to used graphic elements to reflect the motto. Because the Czech Republic holds the presidency this year,  I chose red as the main colour. My first attempt looked like the logo of Pepsi and didn’t reflects the motto. Then I played with the graphic elements again, I noticed that the V and number 4 had similar lines. I nested the V and 4, red for the upside down V and blue for the line crosses the V.

I chose Futura Bold for the V - it’s bold so I think it looks trustworthy. I tried to used the red and blue colors from the logo of Ministerstvo Zahranicnich Veci (Czech Ministry for Foreign Affairs), but I felt the colours were too dark and sad, I could not feel the energy. Since I used Futura typeface for the logo, I also used it for the text “V 4 Trust”,“Czech Presidency of the Visegrad Group 2015/2016”. I think the logo reflects the motto, the V can also be read as a number 1, so the 'four' become 'one' - a simple idea. 

It was quite a short time for the project but it wasn’t rushed, which is good. If we have more time I think I could develop the logo, maybe trying different shades of red and blue.