News | Prague City University

Students deliver

Written by Alex Went | 01 May 2007 01:00:00 Z

Prague College design students undertook an assignment 'Design For Need' acting as a design team for Detský Domov Nechanice.

Detský Domov Nechanice is the largest children's home of its type in the Czech Republic. It cares for children from the ages of 2 and 18.

Students had to create a new logo design and identity for the home. This identity was then applied to designs for the homes web page and promotional materials.

Students worked with the children and the staff at Detský Domov Nechanice and visited the home to meet the staff and the children for a better understanding of the issues and to work with the children and staff in creating a design for the home.

The staff and children of home selected their final designs for a logo which was then narrowed down to one final graphic which the home will use as their identity.

Prague College and the Graphic Design department would like to extend their thanks to everyone at Detský Domov Nechanice for their assistance and for the opportunity to work with them for a very good and often forgotten cause. Prague college will continue to work with and support this children's home.

See the website the students designed here: