News | Prague City University

"We Survived"

Written by admin | 21 March 2016 23:00:00 Z
HND Graphic Design & Interactive Media second year exhibition

The students of the 2nd year of Graphic Design and Interactive Media are organising their exhibition at Prague College, Blanicka entrance.

You will have a chance to see the work of Andreea Bondrea, Alexandru Cernat, Petr Koncal, Michaela Kubatova, Jana Stankova, Tomas Pichal, Veronika Lenartova, Katya Gaidamaka, Dmitriy Galuzo, Lucie Dedkova, Aneta Syrinkova, Nikola Sykorova, and Jelena Djuricic. 

Everybody is welcome!

Vernissage will take place on 28 January at 6pm at Blanicka Entrance