News | Prague City University


Written by admin | 22 February 2013 13:42:10 Z
Wavelab brings together sound, music, video production, performance and installation to create a multi-dimensional, interdisciplinary space.

The work focuses on sound in its uses and functions within contemporary Interactive Media and Multimedia contexts. Work in this show results from sound experiments carried out as assignments throughout the semester, and represents the developed results of the integration of sound into the students' work in a general sense.

Works will be presented by Aizhan Baktybayeva, Yevgeniya Drovossekova, Jamie Fisher, Veronika Hejzlarova, Milos Kubacka, and Peter Marencik, and the Radio Band, who perform by short circuiting old radios in an improvised manner.


Wavelab program

This is going to be our very first show! Expect improvised sounds and unexpected beeps from an old analog battery-powered radios
stripped down to their naked sexy circuits!

Static - Jamie Fisher


This is an installation of 2 animated portraits that blend with sound to make one. The first is of time not so well spent, and the second is of finding a safe place to spend time.

3dots - Veronika Hejzlarova


During creation of this project I was led by particular mood that I then captured using audio and video. The piano melody was composed by my friend, and it underlines the entire sequence.

Beauty is Inside of You - Aizhan Baktybayeva


A video-sound performance based on advertising materials produced for a club for women - "Cennejsi nez perla".

Visual Sound - Peter Marencik


This installation was inspired by a project seen on Instructables. It was simple and very straightforward example of something what probably all of us know could work, but were afraid to try. Pour water into a speaker cone and let the sound & water do the show!
-performance & installation

Noise and Crackle - Yevgeniya Drovossekova


This is a performance, where audio and video will be combined and made in retro style. The main point of it is working with music and videos, interrupted and mixed with noises.

Sound Driven Image Movement - Milos Kubacka

-a surprise!


and... Radio Band