News | Prague City University

Master Speaker Series presents: Project Management Praxis - Music Archive

Written by admin | 14 February 2013 16:13:19 Z
The speech will explain project management praxis in the non-profit sector, namely by providing a sample project consisting of a design of the digital archive of classical music for the Czech Music Information Centre.

Bohus Ziskal has experience working on medium to large media and design projects for both commercial and non-profit sectors. He worked for many years in the media industry for Czech Television, where he held various positions from editor to designer to the Head of the entire Design Department. He also held the Technical Director and Project Director positions in digital and new media sectors. In the last few years, he has been working as an independent consultant and project manager.

The speech will focus on an explanation of the digital archive of the classical music project, including its preparation and implementation with a lack of resources and without sufficient funding. Other interesting aspects of this project will also describe graphic design, interaction and interface design, marketing and networking.

Blanicka entrance, room 001