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Johana Klusek, Ph.D.
Johana Kłusek
Erasmus+ Coordinator

Responsible for the administration of the Erasmus+ Programme and for ensuring that current partnerships with academic institutions are maintained and developed and new ones are launched.

Lucie Sojková
Lucie Sojková
Programme Administrator

Responsible for incoming student integration, credit transfer and reintegration after mobility. She, along with the Dean of the School are also responsible for the development and implementation of staff mobility projects, and joint research activity.

Erasmus+ Programme

Participation in the Erasmus+ programme is integral to the realization of PCU’s institutional strategy and goals, allowing further development of successful bilateral exchanges, and introducing new Erasmus+ partnerships, in the framework of EU, European Higher Education Area and global cooperation.

By developing high quality international partnerships, PCU aims to:

  • facilitate teacher training, staff mobility, joint research projects and publications,
  • develop student mobility with a goal of sending up to 5% of our student body to spend part of their studies at a university abroad,
  • participate in the Erasmus Mundus programme by developing joint degrees with high quality partners.

In the immediate future, the target groups of the Erasmus+ programme are PCVŠ students or teachers on the Czech Bachelor’s programme focused on pre-service training of future teachers of foreign languages. PCVŠ would like to work with partner institutions.

Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027 (EN)
Listina programu Erasmus pro VŠ vzdělání 2021-2027 (CZ)
Erasmus Policy (EN)