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Our Values

Prague City University is committed to building an excellent university experience through careful attention to:

  • what students learn, including excellence and innovation of subject matter
  • how students are taught, including excellence of methods, assessment and feedback
  • where students learn, including excellence of environment and facilities
Our philosophy of education is based on developing four educational values in support of this definition of excellence:

  • Creativity: our students are curious, inquisitive, and questioning; they like to learn by experience, by doing, by convergent and lateral thinking, and by analytical process leading to greater insight.
  • Competence: our students are confident, practical, ready to acquire relevant soft and hard skills; they show themselves to be capable of the task at hand, to learn and to adapt.
  • Innovation: our students enjoy discovery, play, experimentation, research; they look for enjoyment and inspiration, they engage in entrepreneurial activity and have ambitious aims & outcomes.
  • Connectedness: our students are open, inclusive, diverse and understanding, supporting cross-cultural communities and society; and they are generous, empathetic, and sensitive to global and local views.

These educational values are the indicators through which excellence in education can be measured. They serve as a framework for measuring both the quality of education being provided (process), as well as for measuring ongoing student success after graduation (outputs).

They are the shared educational values that guide faculty and students at Prague City University, helping to define not only the character of each programme, but also our learning processes, and the characteristics of our graduates.