- Student Life & Futures
- Student Support
- Student Support & Wellbeing
Student Support & Wellbeing
At PCU, we place a strong emphasis on prioritising the health and wellbeing of our students. Our Student Support Advisors are on hand to offer individualised help and guidance. In addition, they organise wellness activities including a dedicated self-care day, for students to relax and learn ways to help them deal with managing the demands of academic and everyday life.
Wellbeing Day
In the autumn semester the self-care day signifies a pace of change, when classes stop and students take centre stage! The campus transforms into relaxing zones and creative spaces as well as wellbeing activities and workshops including yoga, art therapy and physiotherapy sessions, stress management and mindfulness workshops, snacks, hot drinks and more. This year, the self-care day will take place on 29 November 2024, so mark your calendars and start looking forward to some relaxing time on campus.
In the West, meditation has moved from the fringe into a mainstream activity with Universities around the world recommending its practice. We offer our students sessions with a qualified meditation instructor to help reduce stress, improve concentration and to experience an overall sense of wellbeing. If you are interested, please email Student Services for more information.
Movement & Yoga Therapy
Every Wednesday, the PCU Yoga class takes place at the City Centre Campus. In this class you will be able to wake up your body, reset your mindset and break out of movement stereotypes that prevent healthy energy flow.
Updates about wellbeing activities can be found on PCU Events Calendar.
Healthcare Services
Student Support Services is also available to assist students with information on health services in Prague, covering dental, medical and psychological needs.
Free psychological counselling for PCU students
During academic year, PCU offers students psychological counselling free of charge. It is provided by Prague Integration, an independent multi-lingual counselling centre that offers holistic mental health support in 15+ languages.
The service is confidential and client communication is treated in absolute confidence. No personal information is ever disclosed to others without consent or unless required to do so by law.
Examples of commonly discussed issues are:
- academic and university life: exam stress, presentation anxiety, study skills, adjustment to university life, culture shock, time/stress management
- (mental) health issues - depression, anxiety, eating disorders, sleeping problems, drug/alcohol problems, dealing with chronic illness
- interpersonal or partnership difficulties
- other – grief, loneliness, low self-esteem, discrimination, traumatic experience
The free sessions are limited to 3 sessions per student (in-person or online), per semester. If more are needed, additional sessions can be offered based on capacity.
How to Sign up
To sign up for your sessions you will need to fill out Prague Integration's form and use the code #PCU2024. A staff member will be in touch within 24 hours to set up an appointment. At your first appointment you will need to confirm that you are a PCU student by showing your student card.
Please note that if you are unable to make your appointment you must cancel 48 hours in advance.
Career and Life Coaching
Coaching will help you set goals and get there. Unlike a Psychotherapist, a Life Coach focuses more on the present and especially the future. They work less with the past.
Coaching is not a method of treatment. They use techniques and measured questions to guide you to make your own judgements and decisions. They make you think hard. A Coach will not tell you what to do, but will help you find the answers.
Career and Life Coaching by Šárka
Our Study Advisor Šárka from Student Services has Professional Coaching Certification and offers additional career and life coaching skills to students.
Students can arrange a meeting with Šárka (sarka@praguecityuniversity.cz) and book three 60 minutes sessions with Šárka for free.