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School of Business: Research and Practice

Universities are about much more than teaching and learning. They are places where new ideas are generated, arguments formulated and complex questions debated. In turn, these ideas find their way into creative projects and research, enriching the complete educational experience.

Many lecturers are engaged in ongoing research projects to find answers and solutions under the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development goals (SDG) to support and advance businesses and economies, leading to a healthier and more equitable future for society. Their work is often funded by educational and governmental grants and funds and several faculty members actively engaging in research are part of editorial boards of international Journals regularly indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases.

Professor Makarenko is an author of more than 150 scientific works

Students also benefit greatly from being taught by faculty members who have established reputations as writers and researchers. Their work influences and inspires students to embrace and implement this new thinking into their own workplaces and careers.

Some of the most recent achievements in research, practice and initiatives have been:

Joint Research Seminar series with Teesside University International Business School: initiated in 2021, the scientific seminar series is a platform for faculty members to engage in research and sharing of ideas

Publications: faculty have authored a significant number of scientific works in areas such as intellectual capital, corporate transparency, sustainable finance, corporate governance and banking that have been published and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases

Participation in international conferences: faculty research work regularly presented at international research groups and conferences

CSR project with Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW): partnering with URW the faculty developed and delivered a customized business skills programme in Czech for longterm unemployed

Marek Kocak, Dr Stefano Cavagnetto & Lucie Rivera attend student presentations at URW headquarters

Faculty Research

Faculty have authored a significant number of scientific works in areas such as intellectual capital, corporate transparency, sustainable finance, corporate governance and banking that have been published and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) databases.

A few examples are:

Transparency of agriculture companies: responsible investment rationale for better decision making under sustainability
Professor Inna Makarenko
and Plastun, A., Mazancova, J., Juhaszova, Z., Brin, P. Published 2022 Agricultural and Resource Economics: International Scientific E-Journal, 8 (2) (forthcoming, in print, WoS, Scopus)

Sovereign Wealth Fund’s transparency, financial performance and countries Sustainable Development Goals rankings.
Dr Stefano Cavagnetto, Professor Inna Makarenko, Dr Václav Brož
and Guo Y., Filatova, H. Forthcoming 2022 in Investment Management and Financial Innovations  (Scopus, Q3)

Game Theory and Business Ethics: State of the Art and ways forward.
Dr Stefano Cavagnetto

Game theory as a formalized study of human strategic interaction was established in the 1940s, and addressed how agents should act within specific scenarios in order to satisfy well-defined criteria of rationality. Since then, the discipline has rapidly evolved to include more aspects of human behaviour. The latest advancements consider how average agents with emotions and bounded foresight actually ‘play’ games. In light of these developments the discipline has seen wide application in many different fields such as economics, sociology, biology, politics and philosophy, and in particular in ethics and its application in Business.

The Role of Collaborative Trust in Supply Chain Management.
Bruce Gahir

Much of the current fragility experienced in supply chain management processes is a direct consequence of outdated practices. Investors, corporate boards and politicians are grasping the need for a fundamental re-think of supply strategies and relationships, especially due to the unexpected risks associated with the Covid-19 pandemic. The key purpose of this research is to propose a collaborative trust management model that will incorporate elements of increased transparency, relational contracts and responsibility, relating to sustainable supply chains.

Barriers to Employment for Former Offenders.
Dave Gannon

Former offenders encounter many barriers when attempting to reintegrate into society, for many, these are insurmountable and result in a return to offending with consequent costs for society. Research indicates that to reduce recidivism, elements such as access to support, housing and employment are crucial. The focus of this study is to identify potential areas of recruitment activities, along with former offenders’ experience in searching for work, in order to propose new approaches and processes for Czech SMEs.

Innovation in preserving and restoring cultural archeological heritage and its economic consequences: the case of the archeological site in Siponto, Puglia, Italy.
Lucie Rivera

Strategic intuition is a paramount of successful decision making and innovation leading to outstanding strategic performances. Research focuses on the role of strategic intuition in decision making in regards to innovative restoration practices in archaeology and it aims at building a case study identifying the successful key factors of the Siponto archaeological site restoration that lead to unprecedented returns by employing innovative restoration practices (un-orthodox) and its possible exportability in other environments.

Student Research and Practice

Blockchain Conference

The School of Business has a great interest in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies and encourages students to fully engage and investigate the impact that these new technologies will have on business and the economy. PCU students have created a Blockchain society and PCU is now recognised as a Mousebelt blockchain accelerator University. As a result, two of our student’s (Salman Tite and Francesco Palmieri) appeared as speakers at the International Reimagine Conference.

CGMA Emerging Leaders Competition

Meet Team Equilibrium, students from the School of Business who represented PCU at CGMA's Emerging Leaders Competition. Hear their thoughts on the necessary leadership traits required to be a successful Management Accountant.

International Business Challenge

Nikoleta Razkova and Marcelo-Paulo Donaire, final year Master’s in International Management students represented PCU in an inter-university international competition. Nikoleta and Marcelo developed an impressive project management strategy that utilised digital communication platforms and tools to help students collaborate remotely and develop a project that would benefit rural India.

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Student Awards and Achievements

  • Radhik Soni ACCA Best Student Achievement Award BA (Hons) International Finance and Business Accounting (IFBA)
  • Zara Chuzhova INCIEN Circular Economy Award Foundation Diploma Students Marketing Project
  • Arulan Reddy CIMA Management Accounting CEE Competition Award BA (Hons) International Finance and Business Accounting
  • Marcelo Donaire Fostering Innovation Special Award International Business Competition in cooperation with Teesside University
  • Nikoleta Razkova Fostering Innovation Special Award International Business Competition in cooperation with Teesside University

Apply now to start in September or February!