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Teaching Practice

A key component of the Bc. in Specialized Education programme, is ‘pedagogical praxis’, also known as Teaching Practice. This important component allows students to translate theory into practice through actual classroom teaching.

Teaching Practice takes place in small groups from the word go, and includes immediate personal feedback on your performance. You also have the chance to observe experienced teachers, receive in-depth feedback, and develop practice strategies. All of these contribute to your growth as an educator.

What does it involve?

Students start their pedagogical praxis in the first semester of study, and progress gradually, from analysis and observation of classes recorded on video, to in-classroom observations. You will also engage in peer teaching (micro teaching) sessions, supervised and individually analysed by the teacher, moving on to preparation of class outlines and teaching materials.

Finally, you teach adult students in real classes, starting with shorter 45-minute sessions, and moving eventually to full-length 90-minute sessions.

How much of the programme does Teaching Practice comprise?

Students complete a total of 480 hours of pedagogical practice during the entire programme, through progressively more challenging teaching scenarios.

Where does Teaching Practice take place?

Getting experience of different environments is a crucial part of learning how to teach. That is why, as well as at the PCU Polska Campus, teaching practice takes place at Akcent International House, and Threshold Training Associates language school.

Apply now to start in September or February!

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