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Anetta Mona Chişa

MgA. Anetta Mona Chişa

Associate Lecturer

When not teaching in the MA Fine Art programme, Anetta works across a range of media including video, performance and site-specific installations, often employing language in her practice. Her works and collaborative projects have been exhibited widely in numerous institutions across the world, from Art in General New York, n.b.k. Berlin, MoCA Miami, MuMoK Vienna, The Power Plant Toronto, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt to Taipei Biennale, Moscow Biennale and the 54th Venice Biennale among many others.  

Through her art, she seeks to reveal the interplay between the tangible and intangible aspects of reality, challenging habitual perceptions and highlighting the fluid, provisional nature of our understanding of the world. In addition, Anetta is currently studying for her Ph.D. at the Academy of Applied Arts in Prague.


Academy of Fine Arts and Design, SK — Master of Arts (MgA.)

Professional Activities

2017 - present Prague City University, Lecturer

2016 - 2017 Vysoká škola výtvarných umění, Bratislava – visiting pedagogue

2003 - 2011 AVU, Prague,  Assistant Professor

2001 - 2002 J. Koniarek Gallery/Synagogue, Center of Contemporary Arts, Curator

Research & Creative Practice

Selected Exhibitions:
2020 The Growing ArgumentZahorian & Van Espen, Bratislava.
2019 Cosy Cosmos Cosmetics, SNG - Schaubmar Mill, Pezinok (with Martin Piacek). 
2019 Equally Near and Equally Far, Museumcultuur Strombeek Gent, Strombeek-Bever.
2018 i aM an acuTe havoc, so i cAn't taLk, Calina Foundation, Timisoara (with L. Tkáčová). 
2018 a chaotiC MutaTion, a cAnvas Leak, sandwich gallery, Bucharest. 
2018 a no, A voLcanic attaCk, a hiT, a Muse, Museumcultuur Strombeek Gent, Strombeek-Bever (with L. Tkáčová). 
2017 i aM a hoT ice, an avAst Luck, a no aCt, Soga gallery, Bratislava (with L. Tkáčová). 
2017 <-prophecy of things->, Banska St a nica Contemporary, Banska Stiavnica (with L. Tkáčová). 
2017 a huMan, a Lack, a Coin, a cAst. voTe it., Future Museum, Bucharest.
2017 Single pinks come and go, farewell red scale, Kunstraum Niederrosterreich, Vienna.
2016 i look at a sun, i am a catch, a cave ant, Rotwand gallery, Zurich (with L. Tkáčová).

Group Exhibitions:
2020 The Way We Are 2.0, Weserburg | Museum fur moderne Kunst, Bremen.
2020 Restless Image IV: Feminism and Contemporary Video Art, etc. gallery, Prague.
2019 Words are Very Unnecessary, Arter, Istanbul.
2019 C:overt, Dongshisangyoung, Seoul.
2019 Women Make History: Fighting Their Fate, Haifa Museum of Art, Haifa.
2019 The Power of The Powerless, Kunsthalle Bratislava.
2019 Relational Economies: Labor over Capital, The 8th Floor, New York.