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Dana Hánková

PaedDr. Dana Hánková, Ph.D.


Dana has been teaching English as a foreign language for over 35 years in various teaching contexts. She has over 20 years of experience in training English teachers for adults (Cambridge CELTA and Cambridge Delta courses).

Dana earned her Ph.D. in pedagogy from the Faculty of Education at Charles University. Starting 2008, she has taught the English language teaching methodology and supervised teaching practice at AKCENT College in Prague, where she has chaired the Department of foreign languages and their didactics.


Charles University, CZ — Doctor's Degree

Professional Activities

2020 - present — Rector of Prague City University


2017 - 2020 — Rector of Akcent College


1996 - 2018 — Academic Director of Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis/Kolej Jeronýma Pražského

1987 - 2017 — Associate Professor of General Linguistics, Charles University

2000 - 2013 —Director of the Institute of General Linguistics, Charles University

1995 - 1997 — Research Fellow at the E. Gellner’s Research Center on Nation­alism, CEU - Praha 

1994 - 1995 — Visiting Associate Professor, University of Virginia, USA 

1979 - 1987 — Assistant Professor of General linguistics, Charles University


Five books 
Three at Mouton de Gruyter, two at Karolinum (Charles University Press)

About 40 articles in Czech (Slovo a slovesnost, Kritický sborník, Česká literature, Philologica Pragensia) international Journals (International Journal for the Sociology of Language, Germanistische Mitteilungen, Naučnaja i techničeskaja informacija) and collections of papers published in the Czech Republic (Přednášky letního běhu Slovanských studií, Bulletin ruského jazyka a literatury, Spisovná čeština a jazyková kultura) as well as abroad (Varieties of Czech - Studies in Czech Sociolinguistics)