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Isabela Juchniewicz

Isa Juchniewicz, MA

Associate Lecturer

Isa is a Polish visual artist and educator based in Prague, exploring the intersection of new media, video, and performance. Her work examines non-traditional ways of belonging and creates formats where the body and senses are extended and positively confused. Working primarily in collaboration, she has presented projects at national and international festivals and institutions, including Brno Art Week, Prague Quadrennial, Vienna Shorts, Museo Universitario del Chopo, and Miami Art Society, among others. As an active member of the academic community at Prague City University, she currently researches the role of play in relation to technology.

You can see more of her work at isajuchniewicz.com.



University of Warsaw, PL — Master of Arts
Teesside University, GB — Bachelor of Arts
Medical University of Białystok, PL — Bachelor's Degree

Professional Activities

2020 - present Prague City University, Associate Lecturer

Research & Creative Practice

Selected Performances:
2024: LyrArkestra+ Milan Adamčiak, 'Vienna Shorts', MuseumsQuartier, Vienna, Austria.
2023: Insider, ‘PerformCzech’, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico.
2023: ‘Prague Quadrennial’, Prague, Czech Republic.
2023: Phantoms of the Everglades, Miami Art Society Gallery, Miami, USA.
2022: Insider, ‘Beyond Touring’, Terén: Field for Performing Arts, Brno.
2020: ‘Tvárnost paměti’, OC Grand, GAMPA, Pardubice, CZ.

Group Exhibition:
2024: Maneras de cuidar, Cachorra, Bogota, Columbia.

Artistic Workshops:
2023: cosmic synthesis, ‘Homo ludens cum arte technica’, GOKSiT, Suchowola, Poland.
2019: drawing the space in-between, ‘SEE YOU AFTER THE REVOLUTION!’, Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, Poland.

2023: Pócimas visuales, with C. Maldonado et al., Centro de las Artes de San Agustin, Mexico.
2022: SPACE Programme 2022, Performance Corporation, Tyrone Guthrie Centre, Ireland.

Published Works:
2023: Return to Earth: A Reflection on ‘Cosmic Synthesis’, Tangible Territory, ISSUE 6.

Selected Artist Talks, Panels & Conferences:
2024: Play as Method in Fostering Cross-Media Student Collaboration, ‘Converge: Navigating the Future of Creative Practice through International Dialogue’, Teesside University, UK.
2023: Approach of the current scene in the Czech Republic from the Insider and Reality Surfing proposals, Museo Universitario del Chopo, Mexico City, Mexico.
2022: Recipes of Reality, Studio CED, Brno.
2021: Telepotions, Academy of Performing Arts in Prague, Theatre Faculty, Prague.
2020: Insider: Unwrapping Reality, 4x4 Live, 4+4 Days in Motion, Prague.