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Digital Library Resources

Prague City University students are strongly encouraged to register with the Library of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic in order to gain access to high-quality digital resources, including:

  • Britannica ImageQuest
  • Ebook Central (ProQuest)
  • ebrary
  • Emerald
  • ProQuest

Application to use the library of the Academy of Science of the Czech Republic

1. Please print out Library Application Form in A5 (double sided). Fill it in and sign it.

2. Scan a copy of your Passport, or National ID card (A Drivers license will not be accepted). 

3. Come to the City Centre Campus reception to submit the completed form, passport scan, and give your signatures (this must be done in person). When your application has been processed, we will let you know your username and password.

4. Once you have received your username and password, you can search specific databases on this link.

*Please note that registration for the digital resources of the Academy does not grant automatic rights to the physical library. Any student interested in becoming a full library member should look at the regulations here.