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Prague College student to speak at Czech Fashion Council event

Marie Silondi, currently studying for her MSc in International Management, has been invited to talk about her work in th …

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1 min read
24 June 2014 10:56:38 CEST

Successful former student features in official BTEC documentation

Our alumnus Vit Horky, who completed his HND in Business at Prague College, is chosen to represent the qualification in …

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1 min read
23 June 2014 16:35:28 CEST

A big welcome to students from the USA

We always look forward to meeting our counterparts from other countries. At the end of June we will be greeting students …

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1 min read
18 June 2014 12:46:20 CEST

Prague College students in UK press

Michele Nuovo and Ed Platts feature in articles in The Northern Echo and The Observer

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1 min read
13 June 2014 09:25:42 CEST

Student produces winning graphic designs for Medecins Sans Frontieres

Stanislav Matuszny comes from Jablunkov in the far east of the Czech Republic. After studying at SOTŠ (Technical High Sc …

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1 min read
12 June 2014 14:49:51 CEST

Design and Art exhibitions take over college campus

Students from the School of Art & Design celebrated the end of the semester with a fantastic display throughout the …

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1 min read
09 June 2014 13:56:24 CEST

Shared Values: review of days 3 & 4

Days three and four were the focus of an increasingly important area for corporations - corporate social responsibility …

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1 min read
09 June 2014 11:28:32 CEST

Prague College Summer School 2014

A big welcome to all our summer intensive course students!

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1 min read
06 June 2014 17:00:57 CEST

Shared Values Conference: second day review

Day Two of Shared Values built on the foundations of the highly successful and fascinating opening day With a focus on t …

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1 min read
06 June 2014 14:58:16 CEST

Shared Values Conference: first day in review

The first day of the 2014 Shared Values conference concentrated on aspects of Business Strategy, delivered by experts fr …

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1 min read
03 June 2014 15:57:54 CEST

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