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MA Future Design

British Master's degree
Intensive or standard (low residency) available 
Graduate in 18 or 24 months
Start September


PCU's specialist design programme has been developed for professionals working in creative industries, as well as those with an interest in formulating progressive and sustainable design solutions. Throughout the course of two years, students will acquire the knowledge and skills to effectively apply design thinking, strategies, and research methodologies, ultimately enhancing their ability to creatively solve problems.

The programme encourages a reflective approach, with students expected to invest their time into research, participate in group discussions with their peers and to respond to critical appraisal from their lecturers. Overall, students will develop a deep understanding of the broader context in which their ideas exist, rather than simply rushing to create a product from scratch.

A unique aspect of the programme is the Advanced Practice module where students complete an internship, research project, university-based project or residency. During this period students further develop their professional knowledge and skills and also establish valuable professional connections. This engagement with external businesses also allows students to see the enterprise potential of their own original and innovative design visions.

Lectures and meet ups are outside of working hours to suit the needs of those working and are available in two formats: Intensive, which can be completed in 12-18 months, and standard, which takes 24-30 months. Over the course of their studies, students should expect to attend workshops & guest lectures, as well as undertake independent learning and group work of approximately 16-17 hours per week.

Programme Essentials

  • Balance specialist training, independent learning and problem solving with an in-depth exploration of design strategy, research methodologies, design thinking and practice
  • Collaborate with a community of designers and thinkers with common and disparate goals
  • Realise the enterprise potential of your ideas through connecting and consulting with industry partners
  • Take the opportunity to work with real clients on community and business projects and initiatives

Find out more about programme accreditation & recognition →

What you study

Semester 1*

  • Innovation by Design
  • Design Research Methods
  • Launchpad: Exit into Industry

Semester 2*

  • Design Practice
  • Critical Thinking and Theoretical Contexts
  • Design Integration

Summer Semester

  • Advanced Practice

Semester 3*

  • MA Future Design Major Project

* Study plan for Intensive format. Modules in standard format are spread over two years, four semesters.

MA Future Design offers an in-depth exploration of design strategy, research and practice, which gives students the framework and space to design and problem solve for a rapidly changing world.

Click the video to learn more from Petr Knobloch and see the projects and students in action.


Intensive format - High residency

Students can expect 9 to 12 hours of class time a week, plus additional workshops & guest lectures. Further independent learning and group work of around 16-17 hours per week is expected.

Standard format - Low residency

Students can expect 6 to 8 hours of class time a week, plus additional workshops & guest lectures. Further independent learning and group work of around 16-17 hours per week is expected.

Your Programme Leader

Petr Knobloch

Petr Knobloch, MFA

Petr is ideally placed to share his experience and advice with students as they undertake their Master’s journey. Petr has won the title of Graphic Designer of the Year at the Czech Grand Design Awards and has an international reputation in the fields of design, typography, user experience and user interface. Professionally, he has worked as a designer for leading agencies in the United States and Europe, including Ogilvy, Samba Digital Media and Symblaze. He has also worked as a Creative Director and produced digital strategies and online campaigns for major companies all over the world.

See all lecturers from the School Art & Design →

Entry Requirements

  • British Honours degree (first or second class) or equivalent level international qualification, in an art or design discipline.
    For applicants who do not hold the above-mentioned degree award, special entry may be considered at the discretion of the Admissions Board.

  •  English language certificate. Required Scores: IELTS 6.0 or higher ; TOEFL iBT 79+; Duolingo with equivalent score. If the applicant has completed a Bachelors programme entirely in English this requirement may not apply.

  • A letter of motivation (500 words) describing career and personal motivation. This letter should also include a research proposal.

  • Curriculum Vitae and Portfolio

  • Professional and academic references

  • Final Interview – a formal discussion between the applicant and Programme Leader is the final stage of the application process. 
    Applicants will be invited to show their portfolio of creative and written work, giving a clear sense of ability, skills and drive to engage in self-reflective and innovative design activity. If unable to attend an interview in person due to distance, employment commitments etc. then a digital portfolio can be submitted and together with an interview conducted online, will ascertain suitability for study of the subject at Master's level. 

Are you interested in this programme?
Get in touch now and start September.

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Degree projects

Master’s study in Future Design culminates in a challenging, self-defined degree project that taps into each student's strengths, interests and experiences, resulting in a public showing of their work.

Ruth Guerra:
Are you ready for a life with AI?

Ruth's final project showcased possible AI scenarios that could occur in the future when work is fully developed by AI tools. The project demonstrated how AI will drastically change the course of all industries, from tech to healthcare to education and beyond so it is vital to start the conversation and better prepare society for the transition. Her biggest insight was the importance of participatory design practices. "In order to achieve truly ethical and inclusive designs, we have to be making them with, for, and alongside the people that they will impact. This is especially true when designing AI systems."

Ruth Guerra
Ruth Guerra's Final Project
4 min

Muneer Elsaheb:
Unit 2.6m²

Unit 2.6m² is the final project for Muneer, who works as an Architect. Anyone affected by a disaster seeks a safe place to start their life again. Unit 2.6m² are modular units that can be configured into shelters of various sizes to fit the needs of tenants. It is durable, reliable, easily transported for assembly and can be modified as needed. 

Muneer Elsaheb's Final Project
4 min

Zhyldyz Shaiymbetova:
Self-Sustained Energy System [RES2050]

Zhyldyz's project sees a future in which energy systems in cities are more interconnected and also more self-sufficient. She proposes a citywide, multi scale energy network that collects, distributes, and stores natural resources and energy, creating exchanges that reduce waste and emissions and thereby resemble an ecosystem.

Zhyldyz Shaiymbetova's Final Project
Zhyldyz Shaiymbetova's Final Project
4 min

Mattia De Vitis:
Anti Social Media

Mattia is an Italian designer and art director living in Prague. His project takes inspiration from imagining a world without the internet and focuses on communication and social interaction which has suffered with the advent of the internet. His installation encourages strangers to meet and discuss interesting and controversial topics and have a real interaction away from their devices and photographs.

Mattia De Vitis's Final Project
Mattia De Vitis's Final Project
7 min

Career building at PCU


This certainly was the case for Suzanne, who undertook her internship at AI motion graphics studio Seyhan Lee in Boston, USA. Her work impressed the studio so much that she was offered a full time role as their AI Artist and works remotely from Europe. 

Hear more about Suzanne's experience and how the experience helped shape her work and future plans.

Read more →


Meet a Graduate

Simon Rico

Simon is a graduate of  Graphic Design and MA Future Design.

For his final Master's project he created Meetback, a web app that converts feedback from meetings into actionable insights. Since graduating in 2021, Simon has successfully launched Meetback which has found a place in the market with many businesses actively using it.


Isa Ibasco

"During my studies my fascination with digital art, particularly digital fashion, flourished. Witnessing the surge of NFTs and the rapid advancements in technology, coupled with my newfound skills and knowledge, I envisioned the vast potential of digital fashion as both an industry and a personal artistic medium."

After graduating from MA Future Design Isa moved to London and is working as a Digital Assets & Content Creator at Auroboros


Graduate Careers & Further Study Destinations

Our graduates are renowned for moving in multiple directions: securing research, developer and design careers at leading corporations, pursuing research and further studies at leading institutions, or starting their own businesses. Here are just a few of their stories:
  • Mike Jelinek is studying for his PhD at the Slovak University of Technology where he is currently preparing his dissertation work. He also works as a Senior Researcher/Product manager at Wacom where he is responsible for connecting VR technology from Future Ink with potential creative uses.

  • Suzanne Heidekamp is a Creative Technologist, Head of Product at Cuebric, a subsidiary of Seyhan Lee, where she began as an intern for her Master's programme. Cuebric, specialises in generative AI to assist filmmakers and content creators and Suzanne regularly travels to the USA as a panelist at large-scale global conferences for AI Innovators, Technologists and Creators such as Nvidia GTC.

  • Isa Ibasco work as a 3D augmented reality artist and fashion designer in the role of Digital Assets and Content Creator for AUROBOROS in the United Kingdom.

  • Ruth Guerra is Founder & Workshop Facilitator for Phenomena Co-Design and delivers participatory design and design research workshops in Europe and South America. She also works as an Innovations Design Researcher intern at the UNDP Innovation Community, an organisation that uses the potential of data and new technologies to accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

  • Irina Sidorina is Head of Creativity - France for Canva as well as Co-Founer of Le Kimino, a marketing and design agency in Paris that works with fashion and beauty brands such as Dior, Celine, Guerlain, Massimo Dutti, with an emphasis on sustainability.

  • Matia De Vitis began working as an Art Director at award-winning Matbold studios in Prague after graduating from MA Future Design and was selected as a jury member for the 2023 Indigo Design Awards.

  • Ivana Špačková, who graduated with first class honours in Graphic Design went on to achieve an MA in Future Design and had her final MA project selected for presentation at the Computer Human Interaction (CHI conference) in Montreal.
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