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School of Art & Design Instagram Student Takeover

For the next academic semester the School of Art & Design have handed over the keys to their Instagram account to st …

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1 min read
30 September 2022 14:06:24 CEST

Hana Lešenarová, Investigating the integrity of big business

Master Speaker Series guest Hana Lešenarová investigates oligarchs and businesses to assesses their exposure to financia …

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2 min read
27 September 2022 10:41:53 CEST
2 min read
20 September 2022 17:33:36 CEST

Media, Post-Truth and Reality 2022/23

PCU's theme for the academic year is Media, Post-Truth and Reality. In a post-truth era of misinformation & fake new …

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1 min read
19 September 2022 16:29:07 CEST

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