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Creative Media Open Day 2018

2 min read
05 March 2018 15:38:25 CET

Thursday 8 March | Prague College | Polska 10

This month's open day focuses on the Creative Media programme in the School of Media & IT. Whether you are planning to apply to Prague College or are already a student here, there will be something fascinating for you in all these presentations - just come along and join in!

Throughout the morning and early afternoon, lecturers will present a number of talks and workshops covering the wide spectrum of communications media — from newspapers, radio and photojournalism to video and multimedia. 

Speakers include writer Alex Went, radio journalist and author David Vaughan, photojournalist Liba Taylor, documentary filmmaker Masa Hilcisin, and playwright and filmmaker Azadeh Mohamadi Kangarani together with invited visual artist Michaela Bartonova. A full programme appears below:

Creative Media Open Day

10am Alex Went: Freedom of Speech and Ethical Journalism
Lecture, 50 minutes, Room 003
Every day journalists risk their reputations, careers, even their lives, to ensure that what we read is truthful and accurate. But they must also stick to some important guidelines. We look at the concept of free speech, its history, and its implications for today’s news-saturated world.

11am David Vaughan: From Telegraph to Twitter
Lecture, 50 minutes, Room 003
A history of the electronic media and its influence on the way we see the world.

12pm Liba Taylor: How I met the world
Lecture, 80 minutes, Room 002 and Room 003

Born in Czechoslovakia, Liba fled Prague in 1968 and started a new life in London, where she studied with photographers from the prestigious Magnum group. Since then she has travelled all over the world working on documentary projects for international humanitarian organizations including UNHCR, Unicef and Save the Children, bringing their stories to the world.

2pm Masa Hilcisin: Video creative workshop - use of intuitive art in video storytelling
Workshop, 50 minutes, 003

One of the main goals of the workshop is to share tools that support participants in expressing in their creative language their desires, dreams, and fragments from lives. Participants will work with different materials (fabrics, tempera paint and brushes, papers, and similar). Selection of materials have to be intuitive as well as the process itself. Process of creation will be recorded with camera. Participants will work in pairs.

3pm Michaela Bartonova, Azadeh Mohammadi Kangarani: Creating one device for multiple media
Workshop, 45 minutes, 002

This is a seminar/workshop held by Azadeh Mohammadi Kangarani, one of the associate lecturers at Prague College and invited visual artist Michaela Bartonová, showing how to transfer our visions and ideas through multiple medias and build a final concrete outcome as a new device.
In this 45-min seminar/workshop they will talk about their visons and thought on their collaboration at their current multimedia production TO SOMEWHERE ELSE, which contains live drawing on iPad, live music and live performance.  This multi-media performance has been touring since March 2017 and will be on tour in 2018 as well.

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