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Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the DefSec Innovation Hub

By Hon. Prof. Stefano Cavagnetto, Ph.D. on 05 February 2025 11:02

Prague City University (PCU) is delighted to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with DefSec Innovation Hub to collaborate on research and educational initiatives in security, defense, and technology. The partnership aims to conduct research, develop educational programmes, and organize knowledge-sharing events, enhancing opportunities for students, researchers, and industry professionals. 

DefSec × PCU - Colour-1

DefSec Innovation Hub is a Czech non profit organization assisting Armed Forces in the Czech Republic and wider NATO with innovation, introduction and implementation of Emerging Disruptive Technologies (EDTs). DefSec was recently tasked by the leadership of the Czech General staff to organize a series of events focusing on EDTs. DefSec is the only independent organization in the wider NATO Innovation Network. DefSec has designed and led many innovative educational programs for both military and civilian audiences, has contributed to strategic documents on both the national and NATO level and continues to assist with Research, Development and Innovation projects that bring together academia, industry and end-users.

“This collaboration ensures our students and faculty engage in cutting-edge research and applied learning” says Prof Stefano Cavagnetto, pro rector for teaching, research and engagement at PCU. “We are really looking forward to this cooperation, and the MoU signed will cover key areas of collaboration, such as joint research initiatives, academic and training programs, seminars, workshops, and events for our University community but also for a wider public, and at last, but not least internships and hands-on learning opportunities for our students” continued Prof Stefano Cavagnetto. “Some of the areas covered by DefSec expertise and projects such as one of its key projects, Hack the Mind, are very much related to some of the research programmes of our Research Centre CRIS research programmes or themes touched upon by University’s initiatives, such as the workshop on Media Literacy, Disinformation and Strategic Communication within a grant from the Visegrad Fund, NGO COMMUNITY - BUILDING INTERNATIONAL BRIDGES or the annual theme Post-Truth and Reality”. He closed by remarking that “it is a great opportunity for both organisations, which share many common goals, to make a greater impact together on multiple fronts in the educational and research domains, but ultimately at the societal level”. 

Dr. Kristina Soukupova, founder and President of DefSec Innovation Hub, and long time defense consultant operating at the highest levels with the government and military on the MoU signing commented “We are very much looking for this collaboration. International make-up of PCU’s student body and staff is paramount to success in our current and future endeavours, especially given the nature of today’s security situation.” 

Prague City University and its research academic staff of CRIS are very much looking forward to starting this new cooperation.  

Topics: Press Release