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Alumni Profile: Rajmond Berisha

by Larissa Petryca, on 27 January 2020 16:52:33 CET

Prague College graduate Rajmond Berisha works in Prague as a Lead Engineer for EmbedIT, a software company that creates and develops financial verification, management and payment tracking systems for business. 

Originally from the Republic of Kosovo, Rajmond chose Prague College and the School of Media & IT, to deepen his IT knowledge and earn a British-accredited qualification. He first completed his HND studies before going on to achieve his Master's in Computing.

"I have always liked computing, especially programming, but I started Prague College without any professional experience in IT. The beginning was tough, but due to the small class sizes, I enjoyed very close cooperation with the teachers and fellow students which helped me a lot with my development."


During his time at Prague College Rajmond, together with other students, had the opportunity to work in a team on the Underground City XXI Project. He worked on the programming part of the project, mainly constructing the multi-user platform, with the use of game engines. These practice-based projects enable students to test their core specialisations and fully prepare them for real-life work scenarios. 

"Studying IT at Prague College was not only about learning hard skills, such as software development, databases etc., but also about learning soft skills. This is something that I realise now is a very important blend, as it gives you the edge when entering the job market."


On graduating Rajmond hoped to enter the IT field as a programmer and credited Prague College and the School of Media & IT for being such a big influence on his future.

The result was just that, Rajmond has achieved great success in his chosen field working professionally at DHL, Cisco and Concor, and he currently holds the position of Service Management Engineer Technical Lead at EmbedIT:

"I have now worked in the IT industry for many years, having gained great self confidence and professional achievements - a big contributor to this is definitely the knowledge and the mindset that I gained whilst studying at Prague College."

We are honored to have been a part of Rajmond's success and wish him all the best in the future.


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