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Anti-Corruption Measures to Accelerate the Progress of Sustainable Development Goals Conference

3 min read
01 December 2022 10:51:38 CET

On December 9, in alignment with International Anti-Corruption Day, PCU’s School of Business have organised a special conference in Prague. The conference will be divided into two sections: an academic section with relevant contributions from research, and a professional section with contributions from the field.

Panelists are renowned professionals and academics from across Europe with the shared goal of combating corruption within businesses and governments. The conference will be held at the Institute of Czech Literature of the Czech Academy of Sciences and will also be streamed online.

To attend In-Person

The conference is free but registration is essential due to limited capacity. Please register on the event page here.

To watch the Webinar

The conference will be live-streamed on Zoom. To attend the webinar please register here to receive the webinar link.

Aim of the Conference

The conference will bring together different streams of work in the area of corruption, business and civil society and will provide a platform for the sharing of ideas, current research, government initiatives and industry practice in tackling the issues of corruption in its different forms. Through participation and contribution in the conference, it is hoped that there will be closer collaboration and development of both theory and practice in tackling the issue.

Download full conference programme here

Student Participation

For the closing of the conference PCU’s Student Council will present and have organised student debating teams to discuss Anti-Corruption and the United Nations SDG’s. A panel of professionals and academics will judge team performances and award the winning students.

Student Council leaders preparing their presentations

The benefits from students participating and engaging with professional and academic partners are twofold. They gain experience and have the opportunity to mix with experts, who in turn benefit from youthful perspectives, this strengthens and unites with a shared goal to accelerate change.

Institute of Czech Literature, venue for PCU's Anti-Corruption Conference
Institute of Czech Literature

Anti-Corruption is a key enabler in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

Corruption is a widespread phenomenon and affects all areas of society, the financial and economic costs are enormous.

The Sustainable Development Goals make an explicit link between corruption and peaceful, just and inclusive societies. SDG 16 and its targets to reduce bribery, strengthen institutions and easy access to information are not only valuable aspirations in their own right, they are also vital for achieving all 17 SDG goals.

“Preventing corruption unlocks progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals, helps protect our planet, creates jobs, achieves gender equality, and secures wider access to essential services such as healthcare and education”.
United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals
United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

International Anti-Corruption Day

PCU is pleased to support International Anti-Corruption Day by bringing together professionals, academics and student in Prague to help create positive change. International Anti-Corruption Day is a special day set by the UN to recall the “rights and responsibilities of everyone - including States, Government officials, civil servants, law enforcement officers, media representatives, the private sector, civil society, academia, the public and youth - in tackling corruption. Corruption as a result of civil and business misconduct and wrongdoing subtracts valuable resources at a time when they are most needed.

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