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Drawing++: new tools for the 21st century

by Alex Went, on 17 October 2016 11:10:24 CEST

What does drawing in the 21st century look like? Last week's workshop at Prague College's Bishop's Court studios investigated the space where drawing, electricity and computation meet.

From the earliest moments of the computer — Douglas Englebart’s mouse, Ivan Sutherland’s sketchpad — developers have been striving for intuitive and meaningful ways to capture and explore gesture digitally.

Likewise artists – From Durer’s drawing machine, to Sol Lewitt’s infinite cubes and Moholy Nagy’s imaginary structures – have used computational method to transfer reality on to the paper and generativity reproduce elements of their drawing.

Drawing workshops
Modern day artists like Shantell Martin and Cassandra C. Jones have been pushing the boundaries of what drawing is. We discussed the history as well as examining and working with new and expressive tools. Participants obtained a deeper understanding of the approaches in software and hardware with recording, amplifying and manipulating gestural information. And of course the workshop involved plenty of drawing.

Zachary Lieberman is an American new media artist and computer programmer. He co-created openFrameworks, an open source C++ library for creative coding and graphics. 
His installation 'Reflection Studies' forms part of the Prague SIGNAL festival 2016. Zachary´s stay in the Czech Republic was kindly supported by U.S. Embassy Prague.
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