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Master Speaker Series: Business and Sustainability? Introducing the Circular Economy

1 min read
30 November 2018 00:00:00 CET

Master Speaker Series: 6:00pm | Tuesday 11 December | Polska 209

On 11 December, Prague College students and the public will have the chance to listen to Vojtěch Vosecký on the subject of circular economy.
Prague College is pleased to invite all students and the public to a special lecture on Business and Sustainability? Introducing the Circular Economy.
The lecture introduces the concept of circular economy (CE), or how through a change in perspective we can re-design the way our economy works - designing products that can be 'made to be made again'.  The talk will address why this approach is needed, and how the leader of this field in the Czech Republic - INCIEN - engages with it. Co-establisher of INCIEN, Vojtěch Vosecký will also illustrate CE using interesting examples from companies with which his organisation co-operates. He will also show how even young professionals can step into this field and make a difference.
Vojtěch studied in Holland at Wageningen University in the field of Urban Environmental Management with a focus on technology and business.  At INCIEN he participates in both strategic management and specific projects, in particular in cooperation with the private sector. He is also in charge of international communication and relationships. In the past he worked on similar topics for the European Parliament.
This master speaker is part of this year's annual theme #NoTimeToWaste, which is exploring the current challenges and opportunities in the area of sustainability within business, finance, design, IT, art and communication.

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