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Prague College Has Launched its Digital Campus

By Douglas Hajek, MBA on 10 March 2020 19:03
Last updated on 03 April 2020 09:04

We have been preparing to move our in-person teaching to digital classrooms since early February, when it looked likely that the Covid-19 global outbreak might affect universities. While we have been teaching a number of classes in an online format for years, our challenge now was to prepare for the sudden activation of the Digital Campus for all classes, on short notice, and when necessary.

That time came today, when the Czech Government directed all schools and universities to end in-person teaching until further notice. While we expect this temporary measure may last for several weeks, it may also be for longer. We are happy that we are prepared for all online teaching, in all programmes, for as long as necessary.

With the spread of Covid-19 around the world, the Czech Government continues to take strong measures to ensure the health and safety of its residents. The nationwide closure of in-person classes in all schools and universities is a preventative measure that helps us protect our vulnerable members of the community.

While the Czech Republic currently has just 40 known cases of Covid-19, and while there are no known cases of Covid-19 in our college community of staff, students and families, we fully support these measures taken by the Czech government today. Our responsibility as citizens, students and lecturers is to help delay and prevent the spread of Covid-19.

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Web Design & Development class underway

Our college-wide theme in 2020 is #FacingChange and we are proud of our faculty, students and staff who are facing this extraordinary change. We thank everyone who is working to ensure that the Digital Campus will function while in-class teaching is suspended.

The two Prague College campuses remain open for administration, while the teaching of all classes and programmes continues, albeit in a digital and distance format.

Take care everyone. Wash hands and try to limit your travels. We are all responsible to help overcome the Covid-19 outbreak as soon as possible. 

On behalf of everyone at Prague College,

Douglas Hajek