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Jan Rosický, Prague College student wins top UK design prize

2 min read
03 June 2016 00:00:00 CEST

Jan Rosický becomes the first Czech in history to receive the prestigious Royal Society of Arts Student Design Award.

Jan RosickyQuestion: What's the connection between Jonathan Ive, Chief Design Officer at Apple, the Global Design Vice-President of Nike, and Prague College student Jan Rosický? 

Answer: They have all been winners of the Student Design Award presented each year by the Royal Society of Arts in London.

Jan, a student of our BA (Hons) Graphic Design programme, is the first Czech to have won in the 92-year history of the award. Jan will now attend the awards ceremony at the Royal Society of Arts in London on 20 June, along with his mentor, noted Czech designer and Prague College lecturer Petr Knobloch.

The global competition, which attracts over 1000 entries annually, aims to find the world’s best young designers, and only twelve awards are made each year. 24-year-old Rosický received a note of congratulations from the RSA just last week informing him of the jury's decision and the 1,500 GBP (53,000 CZK) prize awarded by the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS).

Jan Rosicky winning entry in RSA award

For the brief, Jan had to design a complete concept in the ‘Mind your Money’ category. His elegant solution is a product called ‘M’, a wearable gadget and app that autonomously tracks all expenses and segments them into spending categories without the user having to input the data, which is a major hurdle for young people using existing budget management apps. ‘M’ offers an alternative to contactless cards and aims to make abstract data easier to understand and use effectively.

Jan's concept and design have already met with praise from the innovation team of Česká spořitelna, one of the Czech Republic's largest banks; and he will meet the board of RBS during the summer to present his concept further.

Many congratulations to Jan - who becomes a graduate of both Prague College and Teesside University this year - on his tremendous achievement.

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