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New edition of CRIS Bulletin published

1 min read
28 January 2014 16:05:54 CET
The best recent research and scholarship from Prague College.

The Centre for Research and Interdisciplinary Studies (CRIS) fosters research, discussion and collaboration among the many different programmes which we offer. The CRIS Buletin comes out three times a year and is published jointly by Prague College and academic publishers de Gruyter.  

The latest edition has just been published, with research articles on the following topics:  

  • Nature's Patterns and Graphic Design
  • Ageism and Age Discrimination in the Workplace
  • Malthus's War on Poverty
  • The Control of Fractional Reserve Limits in the UK
  • Programming Language Paradigms
  • Douglas McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y

The CRIS Bulletin is available online at De Gruyter or see this issue here.

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