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Introducing the Friday Show!

2 min read
25 September 2020 17:32:00 CEST

An exciting aspect of the new Foundation Diploma in Art, Design and Media Practice programme is the staging of a weekly exhibition called the Friday Show.

Each Friday students choose their best works to exhibit to the college and the general public. The exhibition is presented either as a physical or an online exhibition. The very first exhibition D'après, Drawing & Painting, will take place this Friday at 1pm as a Digital exhibition. To view the exhibition simply visit the Foundation Instagram page here.

Friday3         Friday6   

For the first two weeks of semester students have concentrated on Drawing & Painting working with pencil, charcoal, black & white acrylic and colour acrylic.

There were initial warm-up exercises using line drawing, doodling and scribbling to familiarise students with hand movements while drawing. These were followed by a series of exercises on tactile control of charcoal drawings, then layering and liquid painting, colour mixing and an introduction to colour theory.

Friday_1            Friday2

All classes in week 1 followed a 1 hour theoretical introduction, followed by a practical demonstration of method, finishing with the opportunity for students to experiment with each media and techniques.

During week 2 students autonomously selected and mixed these techniques in order to copy masterpieces that they had seen in-person, in Prague, or other cities. Students in Prague visited the Rembrandt exhibition and The National Gallery to inspire their work and pay homage to the Masters and their works.


Next week students will be presenting their works for Photoshop Friday, followed by Sound Friday, Illustrator Friday and so on. We encourage everyone to keep an eye out for the Friday Show which will be announced each week on Facebook, Instagram & Campus Digital screens and enjoy watching the students progress and explore the potential of each medium! 


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