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Start-up, Scale-up or Give-up?

1 min read
13 April 2018 15:04

Thursday 26 April 2018, 5.30 to 8.00pm | Blanicka Wing, Prague College

We would like to invite you to another of our popular evening seminars organized in cooperation with our partners at IBF (the International Business Forum). This event is entitled 'Start-up, scale-up or give-up – is going it alone all it is cracked up to be?' and will take place on Thursday, 26 April from 5:30 pm onwards.

We have three great speakers lined up, each of whom will be talking about starting and running businesses based on their own experience – the plusses, minuses and issues that they had to go through, what they might have done differently, how to plan for the long-term and so on. They are:

Ethan Clime – CEO of Crowdholding, will talk about his motivation to start a company as a young and brave IT talent, how he planned everything, how his business is developing, and what his long term strategy is or will be.

Adam Bager – Owner and Chairman of LLP Group, who will talk about running his own very successful business, from a start-up over thirty years ago, to a large international business with offices throughout Europe and elsewhere – the difference in starting a company in the 1990s to today, what he has learned, what he might have done differently and when and how he might eventually give it all up.

Cedric Maloux – CEO at StartupYard – Seed Accelerator, who will talk about the ways in which his company assesses companies to invest into, what the do‘s and don’ts are of presenting yourself for investment, what type of person makes for a good entrepreneur, and other similar topics.

As usual, the evening will finish with a moderated panel discussion, followed by networking and refreshments. Doors open at 5:30 pm and the talk itself starts at 6:00 pm. Please register on info@ibforum.cz if you would like to join us.