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Ukrainian Scholarships Update

by Larissa Petryca, on 21 June 2022 15:50:16 CEST

In March, PCU responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by announcing full scholarships to students displaced by the war, allowing them to start or continue their studies in a safe space. With the cut-off date for scholarships approaching, what has been the outcome so far?

Ukrainian students join the spring semester

In the first weeks of the spring semester three students were able to secure an immediate transfer from their programmes in Ukraine to PCU. They were matched to programmes that were the equivalent to what they had been studying previously, which helped them settle in and continue from where they’d left off.

These students joined programmes in the School of Business and School of Art & Design and managed to integrate well. They’ve now wrapped up their first semester and are looking forward to continuing in September.

25 full Scholarships Announced

In early March, PCU announced 25 full scholarships for Ukrainians with a temporary protection visa issued by the Czech government due to displacement from the war.

The scholarships were offered across all programmes, and the admissions team brought in a dedicated Ukrainian speaking specialist to help process the applications. The specialist worked directly with applicants to determine where they were on their educational journey, what documentation they had, and if PCU had a suitable programme that matched their needs and circumstances.

PCU Ukrainian Scholarships


More than three hundred enquiries were received and while it was not possible to accommodate all with study offers, the admissions team were able to provide many students with other suitable options.

Of the scholarship winners, all are undergraduate level students. Half of these are university students wishing to continue their studies and the other half are soon to be high school graduates.

Students were accepted into both Foundation in Business and Foundation Art, Design and Media Practice programmes, and into Bachelor’s programmes including BA (Hons) Fine Art Experimental Media, BA (Hons) International Management, BSc (Hons) Computing, BA (Hons) International Finance and Business Accounting Bc. Specialized Education.

PCU also assisted the scholarship student find accommodation and job leads.

In addition, several partial scholarships were awarded to applicants wishing to study the MSc International Management, MSC Leadership and Strategic Management and MSc Computing programmes. These applicants had already found work in Prague, with one applicant also a business owner.

The Future

We expect to have all scholarships awarded in the next few weeks. PCU looks forward to welcoming all our Ukrainian scholarship students to PCU campuses in September, alongside our new and returning students. Lecturers and staff are dedicated in supporting and assisting these students in finding new opportunities and professional skills which will help them integrate and thrive in new environments.

Topics:New StudentsLiving Futures

