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Visiting Artist Lecture Series profiled by Czech Design

By Larissa Petryca on 10 January 2024 12:01

Branislava Kuburović and Petr Knobloch, who are responsible for the Master's programmes at the School of Art and Design, recently appeared as podcast guests of Czech Design. The major point of discussion was PCU's well-established Visiting Artist Lecture Series.

Visiting Artists Lecture Series (VALS)

Several times a semester, leading local and international professionals from art and design disciplines present at PCU under the umbrella of VALS. In the past, the series has featured presentations from Osamu Okamura, Martin Žampach, Jan Čapek, Jana Zielinski and Jiří Mack. The VALS series is open to both students and the general public, and since 2015 almost all lectures are publicly available.

"I must say that we have a really excellent archive. I know of no other institution that has a similar format so accessible and so thoroughly prepared."
Branislava Kuburović
czech design podcast with pcu lecturers
Photo: Michal Hančovský

Studying in the British System

Petr and Branislava also discussed the differences between the British and Czech education systems, the education crisis in Czech art schools and the issue of tuition fees for studies.

"We are moderators rather than authoritative pedagogues."
Petr Knobloch

Want to Learn More?

To hear the full podcast (in Czech) visit Design do uší (Design for Ears) podcast and to join the next Visiting Artist Lecture series featuring award-winning Fine Artist Lucia Scernaková, visit our event page here.

czech design podcast with pcu lecturers
Photo: Michal Hančovský

Meet the School of Art & Design’s MA Programme Leaders

Branislava Kuburović studied Theater Direction at the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade. In the mid-1990s, she moved to Prague. She completed her studies with a doctorate in the UK, where she also worked as a university teacher. She has been a lecturer at PCU since 2015 as Programme Leader for MA Fine Art. She also works as a Translator, having translated many art monographs, books and publications.

Petr Knobloch is a renowned graphic designer. He graduated from the 2D design studio at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Michigan, USA, where he studied on a Fulbright scholarship. In the 1990s, he worked in various creative agencies and worked internationally for clients such as Coca-Cola, Ford and Gucci. After returning to the Czech Republic, he won the Czech Grand Design Award. Petr is the co-author of the National Gallery website, the Museum of Applied Arts and the Chamber of Architects. He has with PCU since 2015 and is Programme Leader for MA Future Design.

pcu lecturers interviewed for Czech Design podcast
Photo: Michal Hančovský

With thanks to interviewer Veronika Pařízková, writer Tereza Urban and photographer Michal Hančovský from Czech Design.