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Mini-Conference at the Ministry for Regional Development and EU Funds

1 min read
14 May 2018 14:26:53 CEST

The IFSA-Butler students who enrolled in Prague College's semester abroad programme visited the premises of the Ministry for Regional Development (Structural and Investment funds) as a part of the Reimagining Europe module which deals with current issues in the EU framework including changing notions of social solidarity.

US students visit Ministry for Regional Development

The mini-conference introduced keynote speakers of various governmental offices dealing with the wide scope of fund allocation in various areas such as transportation, housing and employment including Eliška Hrušovská, Public Relations Specialist at the Department of the European Union Publicity, Simona Rulcová, Chief Deputy Officer at the Department of Implementation of Integrated Instruments and Lukáš Krátký, Project Manager at the Department of Projects Implementation.

The speakers shared with the students valuable insights into how the Structural and Investment projects of the EU operate and are implemented by the local governments within the EU system. The conference concluded with a debate and the sharing of professional and academic experiences concerning the distinct nature of fund allocation in the EU and the United States of America.

IMG_3884About the Prague College-IFSA-Butler partnership: Students studying at Prague College as part of their semester abroad programme come from renowned American universities which foster cultural exchange and implement study abroad experiences as the integral part of the higher education system. The students are exposed to various professional experiences as a part of the study abroad program in local governmental and private businesses to understand the peculiar notion of changing Europe.

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