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American students conclude their Prague College semester

1 min read
12 June 2018 14:20:13 CEST

A group of students from the United States have successfully concluded their study abroad semester at Prague College. The students, who attended the college as part of the IFSA (Institute for Study Abroad) program, delivered final presentations on their core module - 'Reimagining Europe'.

For the presentation, each student selected one of the current issues faced by the EU, including changing notions of social solidarity, the future of European demographics, the consequences of Brexit or the ethical challenges of migration. Presentations were followed by a graduation ceremony on the premises of the overseas IFSA office housed in the historic Grebovka Villa.  
About the Prague College-IFSA partnership: Students studying at Prague College as part of their semester abroad programme come from renowned American universities which foster cultural exchange and implement study abroad experiences as the integral part of the higher education system. The students are exposed to various professional experiences as a part of the study abroad program in local governmental and private businesses to understand the peculiar notion of changing Europe.

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