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Barbora Toman Tylova

Associate Lecturer
School of Art & Design

Barbora gained her PhD from the AAAD (VŠUP), Prague in the field of graphic design, under Prof. Rostislav Vaněk. She received the Good Design Award at the Czech National Awards for Student Design (2008, CI Foundation Leontinka) and won the competition for the visual identity of the cultural festival Nethworks.cz. She is a member of the creative team with Toman Design.

Barbora is interested in the overlap of typography and image. In 2011 she conducted research in the Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry in Miami.


PhD, Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague

MgA, Universita J. E. Purkyně, Fakulta umění a designu, Ateliér grafického designu, Ústí nad Labem

Professional Activities:

2012-2023 – Prague City University, Associate Lecturer

2007-2023 – Art Director in the graphic studio Toman Design

2021 - regular articles on design for the "Host" magazine 

2021, 2020 – member of the committee for the selection of the best book design "The most beautiful book of the year" (organised by the Czech Ministry of Culture and Monument of the national literacy organisation

2018 – cooperation with the gallery and publication house OSMIČKA, preparation of the book series on Josef Čapek

2020 – cooperation with Moravska gallery in Brno. Exhibition "Civilised woman" - book and a complete graphic identity for the exhibition.

2016 – guest within a PechaKucha project (Aero Cinema), Prague

2015 – Editor, author of text and graphic design for the monography “Jde o to, aby o něco šlo, Typograf Oldřich Hlavsa”. Leader of the cooperating team (Phdr. Iva Knobloch, Phdr. Jan Rous, Phdr. Pavla Pečinková, Phdr. Polana Bregantová). For the first time this publication presents a comprehensive graphic work of the author, whose work is an important chapter in the history of the Czech graphic design in the second half of the 20th century. The publication was awarded number of significant prizes: "The most beautiful book of the year" in 2015, Award of the Typo-Design for graphic design, Award by the Union of polygraphic entrepreneurs,  "Vojtěch Preissig" award, Nomination for the "Magnesia Litera" for the publishing venture, Nomination for the Czech  Grand Design 2015: Graphic designer of the year, German design award 2017.

2014 – “Za slovem” - own project - font used as a visual symbol. Dedicated to the founder of the Czech visual poetry, Bohumila Grögerova (1921–2014). It examines whether and in what way visual poetry of the 607s can be an inspiration fir the contemporary graphic designers. The project in its entirety was presented at DOX - Centre of the contemporary art, in 2014. It was followed by the book “Za slovem” (Akropolis 2015) - a book interview with Bohumila Grögerova, the last interview with the unique artist who has made an impact not only in the Czech literature. 

2015 – graphic solution for the book "Zrození umělkyně z pěny limonády" by Martina Pachmanova - nomination for the Most Beautiful Book of the 2013

2012 – lecture “Image versus Corporate Identity“ within the “Fresh Eye” cycle - international design project “Visible Data” (http://www.visible-data.info/)

2011 - study and documentation of one of the most significant world archives of visual poetry “Sackner Archive of Concrete and Visual Poetry”, Miami, Florida, USA. The result of the study was published in the FONT magasine. 

2009, 2010 – presentation of Toman Studio at the international design show Designblock, Prague 

2009, 2010 – winner of the competiton for design solution for the "Nethworks" festival of the contemporary Dutch culture in the Czech Republic, organised by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. 

2007 – conducting a workshop at DOX Gallery for the exhibition "Poster in the battle of ideologies 1914-2014"



  • The most beautiful book of 2020 (Ministry of Culture ČR and Monument of the national literacy)  
  • Nomination - German design award (2017)
  • The most beautiful book of 2015 (Ministry of culture ČR and Monument of the national literacy)
  • Award by Typo-Design club for graphic design (2015)
  • Award by the Union of polygraphic entrepreneurs, The most beautiful book in the ČR,  2015
  • Vojtěch Preissig Award (2015)
  • Nomination - Magnezia Litera (2015)
  • Nomination - Czech Grand Design 2015: Graphic designer of the year
  • Nethworks festival CI: festival of the contemporary Dutch culture in the ČR
  • Good design - National award for the student design - diploma work for Leontinka Foundation (2008), CI theatre play “Zmatení jazyků“ for  Činoherní klub, Ústí nad Labem (2006) 



2020 - The most beautiful books of the Czech Republic

2018 -  28. international biennial of graphic design, Brno 

2013 - “ZA SLOVEM/BEYOND WORD“ - solo exhibition in DOX, Centre of contemporary art, Prague

2010 - international biennial of graphic design, Brno

2010 - DOX Gallery, group exhibition, project “9“, cooperation with Věra Marešova

2009 - group exhibition for the National Award for student design - Stockholm, Munich, Moscow

2005 - group exhibition - Altán Klamovka, Prague

2004 - group exhibition - Galerie Václava Špály, Prague


Media (online selection):


https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/1096902795-studio-6/220411010100715/obsah/779129- nejkrasnejsi-ceske-knihy 




https://vltava.rozhlas.cz/barbora-toman-tylova-v-grafickem-designu-i-v-zivote-me-nejvic-zajima- autenticita-8191458 

https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/ivysilani/1097206490-udalosti-v-kulture/216411000120321/ obsah/460299-magnesia-litera-barbora-toman-tylova 







Design portal http://designportal.cz/nazory-komentare/symposium-bienale-brno-2014.html

March 2013 An interview for a Český rozhlas / Řeč věcí.




More Work, AAAD, 2013, 

Fotograf, September 2013, 

Font - num. 22, Image and text - č. 119, 2011, 

Will Burke, Lisa Baer and James Pietruszynski: The Big Book of Packaging, HarperDesign, USA, 2011, 

Bienale Brno 2010 katalog, Rostislav Vaněk, Pavel Hrach: 1000 Czech Logo 1989–2008, Publishing house Pavel Hrach, ČR 2009

Font - č. 95, 2007 


List of clients:

Dutch Embassy 

AAAD, Prague (graphic layout for books), Akropolis publishing

Meander publishing

Osmička publishing

Běží Liška publishing 

Prometheus publishing

Moravská galerie, Brno

Crocodille (packaging design)

Krahulík cafe and enoteca Arcadia (corporate identityt)

Hugo Grotius Foundation

 Leontinka Foundation, http://www.nadaceleontinka.cz/