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Enterprise and Engagement

The School of Media and IT engage with business, industry and working alumni to ensure the most up-to-date content is relevant to students when they graduate and when looking employment opportunities. It’s why we invite leading specialists and employers into the classroom - not only for students to learn from directly, but to help open doors to internships and jobs.

And it’s why our students engage in the community, participating in activities - social, environmental, and global. In turn, these ideas find their way into creative projects and research, enriching the complete educational experience.

Following are a selection of completed Industry-based projects at undergraduate and postgraduate level, as well as a sample of ongoing projects based on industry demand:

Undergraduate Projects

NTFS Master File Table viewer solution

Whenever a computer security incident occurs (such as malware delivery attempt, intrusion attempt, phishing, exploit attempt or malware infection), members of the computer security incident response team (CSIRT) analyse the incident and are challenged to gather evidence to support their analysis.
The current project aims to solve an existing problem by developing a custom-made tool to view digital evidence - Microsoft NTFS MFT table. The report is supported by the project requirements, design, implementation, testing and evaluation of the client-specific problem.

Mobile Application For Filtering Efficiency Training

It is well known that our capacity of working memory is individual, limited, and influenced by age. Very often older persons have lower ability to inhibit irrelevant information (lack of filtering ability). However, filtering efficiency can be trained using specialized software developed specifically for the task. This research concerns itself with the technical aspects of creating and delivering such software to a team of Czech scientists. The report focuses on the analysis of the problem from developer’s perspective and describes the steps taken to adapt and write such software for the Android platform.

Gesture Recognition Utility for Unity 3D

The aim of this project is to develop a module that could be integrated with a Virtual Reality based application, and allow the users to control a 3D environment using hand tracking only. This module would be used for virtual reality 3D applications developed by ELI Beamlines laser research facility to provide researchers with training and prepare them to using real-life equipment. The platform selected for the project implementation is the Unity 3D game engine. The virtual reality headset is Oculus Development Kit 2, and the gesture recognition hardware is Leap Motion Development Kit. Official software development kits for both Leap Motion and Oculus DK2 were utilized throughout the project. The programming language selected for the implementation of application logics is C#.

ArgoPress Augmented Reality Brochure

Third year Creative Media Production student’s utilised all their video, content writing and creation skills, and along with assistance from marketing agency Cominov, they used Argo Play technology to create an augmented reality brochure for the School of Art and Design.

Postgraduate Projects

Serverless functions allocation in IoT using machine learning

‘The IoT (Internet Of Things) comprises a network of smart devices that can transfer data either between each other or between layers in a network. Initially, the IoT has faced high latency problems by using only cloud computing solutions. Recently,'fog' computing has emerged, which aims to move computational tasks closer to the edge. However, the introduction of serverless computing has produced its own challenges concerning the allocation of functions between the fog and cloud layers. We propose a prediction-based framework that will choose where each function will be executed based on its execution history. The decision will be made using a machine-learning model, which will be trained and tested based on input features.’

WebSocket Protocol Performance for Real Time Cryptocurrency Algorithmic Trading

Most cryptocurrency exchanges provide market data via WebSocket API, and trading systems are therefore recommended to use the WebSocket protocol to connect to the exchange and receive data. Various programming languages and their respective libraries can be used to develop a communication interface within the trading system. This study evaluates performance differences in communication speed - an important criterion for profitable trading systems. Six connectors were developed (in compiled, intermediate and interpreted programming languages and their respective WebSocket libraries) and deployed in the cloud. 

COBIT 5 for the non-profit sector

Examining the contextual suitability Management and governance are essential activities for Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs), but also highly complex due to the nature of the sector. The use of a framework can provide the organizations with guidance and help their Boards or other strategic bodies to understand the organization’s current direction, what to expect from it and what needs to be done. The research explores to what degree the COBIT 5 framework is suitable for an NPO, and also suggests a number of tools that can be used by the organization in making decisions concerning the framework's compatibility with the organization’s inner workings.

Apply now to start in September or February!