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Paul Cooper invited to Latvia to supervise at Riga law school

1 min read
08 January 2014 13:35:06 CET

Our Law Lecturer Paul Cooper has accepted an invitation from the Riga Graduate School of Law in Latvia to supervise two Master of Law dissertations which are due for defence in June 2014.

One candidate will compare legal texts translated by non-lawyer professional translators with texts translated by lawyers without training in translation, and determine what can be drawn from the findings that might act as recommendations to European law schools. The other candidate will study legal texts broken down into different areas of law (e.g. finance law and contract law) to see the extent to which legal language can be divided into legal language banks, rather than learning legal language that is later not used in practice.

These findings will be of particular significance to non-lawyers working in narrow legal fields, such as bank lending staff, as well as to lawyers and legal educators.


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