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Interactive Media workshops at Gallery Skolska 28

1 min read
16 January 2014 07:30:23 CET
Prague College students recently participated in Interactive Media workshops alongside students from other universities.

The first workshop, held at the Skolska 28 gallery, was led by artist-in-residence James Wyness, whose versatile work across multiple media includes sound installation, live sound performance, multimedia installation, critical writing and field recording - to name but a few. He is also involved in traditional music both as an accompanist and educator, working regularly with the new generation of young musicians from 'both sides the Tweed'.

The second workshop took place at ČVUT (the Czech Technical University), and was presented by American contemporary artists Michael Goodheart and Michael Delia. Prague College was privileged to be invited to participate along with students from the Academies of Film and Music, (FAMU and AMU), and two studios from AVU, the Academy of Fine Arts.

The workshop explored ‘re-embodied sound’, created using resonance, sonification, objects, transducers, and simple sound editing. Participants were encouraged to bring a resonant object they found sonically interesting, then to alter the sounds with computer processing software. 

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