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PhD awarded to Prague College art lecturer Barbora Toman Tylova

1 min read
31 January 2014 09:31:51 CET
Typographic project tribute to a blind poet

Barbora Toman Tylová, an associate lecturer at Prague College, has been awarded her PhD in Graphic and Visual Communication by the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague (VSUP) for her work 'Za slovem' - 'Beyond words'. The project is an interpretation of the concrete poem ‘Rukopis’ ('Manuscript'), written in 2008 by the renowned Czech poet and artist Bohumila Grogerova on the subject of her own blindness.

Barbora Tylova's seventy photograms on this subject are a fusion of poetry and typography in which words function as pictures and writing as image. Exhibited last summer at Prague’s DOX gallery of contemporary art, the project also includes a book of interviews with the poet which will be published by Akropolis in 2014.

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