Mock trial: Fly v Porker
by Alex Went, on 12 May 2014 15:43:59 CEST
This year's case concerns a simulated action for damages arising as a result of the unfortunate destruction of one of the finest stretches of river for trout fishing in the countryside surrounding the fictional town of Bighampton. Two advocacy teams, each with a QC and two juniors, will battle it out in Room 209 at the Central Court of Prague College. The facts of the case are set out below:
Fly v Porker - set down for trial in the Court of AppealFacts: This action for damages arises as a result of the most unfortunate destruction of one of the finest stretches of river for trout fishing in the countryside surrounding Bighampton. Mr Porker is a pig farmer and the effluent from his pig houses he stores in a large tank that is situated at the top of a hill near to the boundary between his own land and that of Mr Fly. As the result of a most unhappy sequence of events, and indeed without fault on the part of Mr Porker, the effluent container split with the result that 200,000 gallons of the effluent flowed down the hill and onto Mr Fly’s land, eventually finding its way into the river which traversed his estate. The effect of the effluent on the trout in the stream was to say the least, catastrophic. Virtually every fish was killed and the stream itself was rendered quite worthless as an attraction for anglers, who up to the time of the unfortunate event had been prepared to pay hundreds of pounds for a day’s fishing. Mr Fly now seeks compensation for the loss of his valuable enterprise. |
All members of the college are invited to attend the hearing of the case, at which the pig effluent is expected to fly. All in attendance to be seated by 12.50.